Hydra Guide Call of Dragons

Hydra Guide Call of Dragons

Arrack: 280
Health: 300,000
Power: 330,000
Defense: 2,250
Movement Speed: Very Fast
Battle Duration: 300s

Hydra Rating

4.7/5 - (16 votes)

Hydra is an elite Behemoth in Call of Dragons. It is a hard Behemoth to defeat and own. There are over 30 Hydras on the map so every alliance should be to control one.

When you defeat Hydra you will get 600 Gems, Relocation Teleport, 25h Speedups, 1m Gold & Wood, and 750k Ore.

How to defeat Hydra

Hydra is one of the best behemoths to have in the alliance. It deals a lot of AOE damage, and it will definitely help you fight other enemies in big field fights.

Hydra is a hard behemoth to defeat if you or your alliance members do not know what they are doing. There are a lot of skills and mechanics that you have to avoid and use. The first thing that you have to keep in mind is that you have 8 minutes to defeat Hydra. If you do not manage, all your troops will die, and Hydra’s health will come back to 100%. So you have to start from the beginning. 

When it comes to heroes and units that you have to use, it is relatively simple. You want to have a few tanks that will take damage from Hydra, while the rest of the players will use ranged units and heroes that will deal nuke damage to Hydra. Also, make sure that you inform your alliance members that you are going to attack Hydra so you can have as many players as possible. The more players you have, the more damage you will deal, which means that it will be easier to defeat it.

When you are fighting Hydra, you will notice 2 different mana stones on the ground. The first is red and has a timer, while the second is green and has charges.

Red stone: Red stone has different buffs and debuffs. First, if nobody picks it up and the timer goes to zero, you and your alliance member will get debuffs that will increase the damage you take. They are stackable, so if you get a lot of debuffs, you will take a lot of damage and die pretty fast. If the player picks it up, only he will get the debuff, but he will deal 25% more damage. So make sure that you or your alliance member pick it up as soon as it spawns.

Greenstone: There are 10 charges in greenstone. When you gather it, you will heal your troops, and all debuffs will be removed. So make sure that you pick it up if you are getting low on troops or have a lot of debuffs.

Agony Blast is a Hydra skill that will deal AOE damage. The problem with this skill is that there is no chance to avoid it. You will always take damage. So that is why it is important not to have debuffs on your troops. To avoid taking damage, make sure that you pick up the red mana stone so your members do not get buffs for taking more damage, and pick up the green stone if your troops are low or you have the debuff. This way, you will take normal damage and not die quickly.

Poisonous Crevices are also one skill that you have to know how to defeat. You will recognize this skill by the circular cracks in the ground. If they explode, all teammates will take damage, and debuff stacks that increase the damage taken. So to counter this skill, you have to stand on top of the cracks. When players stand on it, it will not explode, and you will not take damage. So make sure that you and your alliance members stand on each crack on the gourd. Every crack that explodes adds one stack to all players.

Big red attack. When you see a big red attack from Hydra, you have to run from it. If you do not, you will take a huge amount of damage and die. If you need a visual guide, you can always watch a video by Hulksden Gaming on how to defeat Hydra.

Hydra Skills in lair

Primal Strength Primal Strength

Hydra is immune to debuff effects and impairment effects.

Unstable Manastone Unstable Manastone

In the first phase, multiple pieces of Unstable Manastone periodically appear within Hydra’s Lair. Shortly after appearing, ungathered Unstable Manastone will explode, dealing Magic Skill damage to all Legions within the Lair (Damage Factor 1,200) and inflicting one stack of Poison on all Legions who take damage. If Unstable Manastone is gathered, the Legion that gathered it will take one stack of Poison and one stack of Mana Infusion. Each stack of Mana Infusion increases’ Legion’s damage dealt by 25%.

Fang Strike Fang Strike

Hydra tears at enemies with its deadly fangs, dealing Magic Skill damage to all enemy Legions in a forward arc (Damage Factor 300).

Tail Sweep Tail Sweep

Hydra sweeps its powerful tail, dealing Magic Skill damage to surrounding Legions (Damage Factor 500).

Miasma Miasma

Hydra’s three heads unleash a cloud of poisonous vapor, dealing Magic Skill damage to all Legions in a forward arc (20% of the Legion’s maximum Unit Count), and inflicting one stack of Poison on all Legions who take damage.

Poisonous Pulse Poisonous Pulse

Hydra launches a poisonous globule at a random Legion’s location, dealing Magic Skill damage to all nearby Legions (Damage Factor 800), and inflicting one stack of Poison on all Legions who take damage.

Rancorous Strike Rancorous Strike

After a short charge-up, Hydra rushes forward, knocking all Legions in its path Airborne and dealing Magic Skill damage (Damage Factor 500).

Poison Barbs Poison Barbs

Hydra unleashes a series of poisonous barbs, dealing Magic Skill damage to all Legions hit by them (Damage Factor 800), and inflicting one stack of Poison.

Dispelling Manastone Dispelling Manastone

Each time Hydra casts Poisonous Barbs, two pieces of Dispelling Manastone will appear in its Lair. Once gathered they can heal a Legion’s lightly wounded units and clear all Poison and Mana Infusion effects.

Poisonous Crevices Poisonous Crevices

In the second phase, Hydra opens up multiple poisonous crevices in the ground. Shortly after opening up, crevices where no Legions are standing will explode, dealing Magic Skill damage to all Legions within the Lair (Damage Factor 1,200), and inflicting one stack of Poison. If Legions are standing on a crevice, this will prevent it from exploding; the Legion will absorb the poison from the crevice, inflicting one stack of Poison.

Agony Blast Agony Blast

Every 20s, Hydra deals Magic Skill damage to all Legions within its Lair (1% of the Legion’s maximum Unit Count). Legions take increased damage for each stack of Poison.

Plaguebearer Plaguebearer

8m after entering battle, Hydra becomes Enraged, unleashing Agony Blast with much greater frequency.

Hydra Skills in Alliance

Hydra Stinger

Hydra deals Magic Skill damage to all enemy Legions nearby or those in a forward arc (Damage Factor 600).

Upgrade Preview:
Skill Damage Factor 600 / 1200 / 1800 / 2400 / 3600

Poison Barbs

Hydra unleashes a series of poisonous barbs, dealing Magic Skill damage to all Legions hit by them (Damage Factor 2,000).

Upgrade Preview:
Skill Damage Factor 2000 / 4000 / 6000 / 8000 / 12000

Poison Cloud

Hydra casts Poison Cloud 1m after being summoned, dealing Magic Skill damage to surrounding enemy Legions (Damage Factor 300) for 30s. The Legion taking damage also gains Decay, reducing their DEF by 5%. Decay adds an extra stack every 3s.

Upgrade Preview:
Skill Damage Factor 300 / 600 / 900 / 1200 /1800
DEF reduction: 5%/7%/9%/11%/15%

Hydra Location and Buffs

LORCAN1006:797Legion ATK +3%
BURNING LANDS1029:243Legion ATK +3%
FORGOTTEN LANDS1052:635Legion HP +2%
DARALAN1060:1080Legion ATK +3%
ZOLAND1161:527Legion DEF +3%
FORGOTTEN LANDS1177:770Legion DEF +3%
ZOLAND1216:351Legion DEF +3%
FORGOTTEN LANDS1224:905Legion HP +2%
ZOLAND1333:554Legion ATK +3%
SOFROSTIA281:648Legion HP +2%
SOFROSTIA327:513Legion DEF +3%
SOFROSTIA382:743Legion DEF +3%
HOLLENDALE429:689Legion ATK +3%
HOLLENDALE437:540Legion HP +2%
HOLLENDALE468:783Legion HP +2%
HOLLENDALE476:500Legion ATK +3%
NUVOLA476:905Legion ATK +3%
HOLLENDALE546:702Legion DEF +3%
HOLLENDALE569:527Legion DEF +3%
NUVOLA608:864Legion DEF +3%
BURNING LANDS709:284Legion ATK +3%
NUVOLA725:824Legion ATK +3%
LORCAN795:702Legion HP +2%
LORCAN811:621Legion ATK +3%
DARALAN842:972Legion HP +2%
LORCAN857:837Legion DEF +3%
BURNING LANDS873:270Legion HP +2%
AGORU873:405Legion HP +2%
AGORU881:608Legion ATK +3%
AGORU912:554Legion DEF +3%
DARALAN928:1148Legion DEF +3%
AGORU928:419Legion DEF +3%
LORCAN943:689Legion DEF +3%
AGORU974:500Legion ATK +3%
AGORU990:419Legion HP +2%

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