Call of Dragons Talent Tree Builds For All Heroes

Talent Trees for heroes in Call of Dragons are the most important thing if you want to get maximum from your heroes. When you are fighting against the same commander one of the things that will have a huge impact on the results of the fight is talent tree build. For every activity in the game like gathering, fighting players, fighting NPC, rallying, defending, you will have a suitable talent tree build. 

Heroes with the right talent tree build will always win. We all know how powerful Tier 5 Units are when you compare them with tier 4 units but you will still lose with tier 5 against tier 4 if you’re using the wrong talent tree build. 

That is why we created the best possible talent tree build for every hero in the game so you can get maximum from heroes. All talent tree builds have been tested in-game among highly experienced players and they were tested in the best scenario so we can get the most accurate results. 

If you have any other suggestions, questions, or concerns about any of our talent tree build, please share them with us so we can discuss them. Also, make sure that you redeem all Call of Dragons codes where you will get a talent reset and other valuable rewards, and do not forget to try out Call of Dragons on PC which will improve your gaming experience drastically. 

Some crucial things that you have to know about talent trees build:

  • First, you have to unlock Foundation talents to get access to other talents
  • Each hero has 3 different talent paths that you can take and what path you will take depends on for role you will use that here
  • Only your primary hero talent tree build works and the talent tree from the secondary hero does not work. 
  • Make sure that you get max level on the primary hero

That is all. Now you can click on the name of the hero and the page with the best possible talent tree build for that hero will open. Keep in mind that some heroes will have more combinations of talents simply because of their roles.

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