Rank: Legendary
Map Buffs: Precision
Faction: Springwardens
Unit Buffs: Marksman
Team Role: Rally
Syndrion Rating
Syndrion Talent Tree Build

Syndrion Pairings
Ffraegar is one of the best heroes that you can pair with Syndrion in Call of Dragons. They are both marksman heroes and they have great synergy. In this pairing, you will use Syndrion as the primary and Ffraegar as the secondary hero. The reason is that the Ffraegar talent tree is not that great, you will get much more from Syndrion’s talent tree, especially if you will use him for rallying.
Hosk is another great hero that you can pair with Syndrion for rallying. They are both rallying heroes and they have great synergy, and they can deal huge amounts of damage.
Gwanwyn and Niko
Gwanwyn and Niko are both great heroes that you can pair with Syndrion if you are planning to use Syndrion for field battles. Do not use these pairings for rallying, it is not worth it. Also, check out Gwanwyn talent tree and Nico talent tree.
Syndrion Artifacts
Viola’s Bow | Legendary | Marksman/Assault |
Rattle Spear | Legendary | Marksman/PvP/Assault |
Heart of Kamasi | Legendary | Marksman/PvP/Support |
Shadowblade | Legendary | Marksman/PvP/Assault |
Archery Master’s Manuel | Epic | Marksman/PvP |
Giant’s Bone | Epic | Peackeeping |
Heartpiercer | Epic | Marksman/PvP/Assault |
Rapid Crossbow | Elite | Marksman/PvP/Assault |
Syndrion Overview
Check out this video by Hulksden Gaming if you want a detailed explanation of the Syndrion talent tree, skill sets, and playstyles.
Syndrion Skills
Rage Skill
Attack Range: Medium
Rage Cost: 1,000
Syndrion’s Legion gains Keen and Rapid-Fire, increasing their ATK by 20% and launching an additional normal attack every second for 3s.
Soaring Ambition
Passive Skill
When besieging a City or Strongholds Legion gains 4% ATK and ignores 1% of the enemy’s DEF.
Upgrade Preview:
ATK bonus: 4% / 5% / 6% / 8% / 10%
Def Penetration: 1% / 2% / 3% / 4% / 5%
Feather Strike
Passive Skill
All Marksman units in Syndrions Legion gain 4% normal attack Crit Rate and 5% HP.
Upgrade Preview:
Marksman unit normal attack Crit Rate bonus: 4% / 5% / 6% / 8% / 10%
Marksman unit HP Bonus: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
Forest Shadow
Passive Skill
For the first 1s of battle, Syndrion’s Legion gains Rapid-Fire, and launches an extra attack every time they launch a normal attack. 1s after battle Syndrion’s Legion gains 10% ATK, lasting until battle ends.
Upgrade Preview:
ATK bonus: 10% / 12% / 14% / 16% / 20%
Duration: 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 3
Free as the Wind
Additional Skill
Every time Syndrion’s Legion lands 5 critical hits from normal they deal additional Hero Skill damage to the target Legion (Physical Damage Factor 4m).
Syndrion Guide
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