Call of Dragons Migration Guide

Call of Dragons Migration Guide

Migration is featured in Call of Dragons where you can move your city from one server to another. This is a great future because it allows players to leave low-population servers or servers that are full of pay-to-win players. To migrate to Call of Dragons, you will need 5000 gems, and there are few requirements and restrictions.

How to Migrate: Divisions

How to Migrate Divisions

Division SS1-0001 is made up of Servers #1, #2, #3, and #4. Players from Server #1 can migrate to Servers #2, #3, or #4 via Division Migration. 

When the next Season begins, Division SS1-0001 will disband. When that Season ends, servers will be grouped into Divisions again, but they may not necessarily be grouped together with servers from their previous Division. When a player migrates into Server#2 they will start the next season playing alongside the other players in #2.

At the end of Season One in Call of Dragons few servers will be merged together in the new Season 2, creating a new Division 2. You can migrate to any server that is inside Division 2 if it is not full.

If you are for example SS1-0004 you can not move to SS1-0006. This means that you can not freely migrate to the server that you want. You are limited and hopefully, they will implement a new migration system in the future where you have more freedom with migration. 

Migration Rules

Migration Rules

You can play With Lords on Other servers by migrating to any Within your Division.

  • Your city must be at least Level 16 to migrate.
  • When migration begins, you will have a limited time window to migrate to another server in the same Division as your own, allowing you to fight side-by-side with new friends when the next Season starts.
  • You may migrate multiple times, but each migration will cost gems. Once your migration is complete, the game will automatically restart. 
  • Overpopulated servers Will be marked as “full”. You cannot migrate to full servers, but you may be able to try again once players on that server have migrated to Other servers. 
  • If you migrate multiple characters to the same server, you will only be able to log in and play as one of those characters at the same time.

Call of Dragons Migration Cost

Call of Dragons Migration Cost

The cost of migration in Call of Dragons is 5000 gems. It is not that expensive when you compare it to their other games, like ROK where you had to collect passports for half a year in order to migrate. Still, think twice before using the migration feature as a free-to-play player because gems are extremely valuable and rare. 

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