Lord Profile Guide Call of Dragons

Lord Profile Guide Call of Dragons

Each player in Call of Dragons has their own Lord Profile where they can see and change all information about accounts. 

Lord Id

Each player has their own Lord ID. It is used by game developers so they can track accounts easily. Sometimes developers will host special giveaways, and you will have to provide your Lord ID so they can send your rewards.


Each username must be unique. Two players can not have the same username. Each username can contain from 3 to 15 characters and can contain numbers, letters, and some special characters. You can change your username by clicking on it. In order to change your username, you will need 500 gems or name-change items that you can get from the alliance shop 


Avatar call of dragons

Each player can customize their avatar pictures or use the default ones. To change an avatar, you have to click on your current avatar. After that, you can click on the camera or pick the default avatar. 

Avatar Frames

Avatar frames are special designs that will be around your avatar. You can change it by clicking on your avatar and then clicking on the avatar frame. There are a lot of different avatars available, and to get them, you have to complete certain in-game content and events or purchase bundles.


The album is a palace where you can put eight different images that you want. All other players are able to see them. To access the avatar, simply click on the + button near the avatar.


It shows what faction you belong to. To change the faction, simply click on the icon under the faction text, and a new window will open where you can see all factions available in the game. Once you decide what faction you want to be in, simply click on the button that says “Change faction.”


Merits are a PVP feature that displays the number of merits you have earned by fighting other players.


Command points Call of Dragons

CP will show you the number of command points that you have available. If you click on the green circle, it will show you the time needed until your CP bar gets full. On the far right, there is a +. When you click it, you will be able to use your CP items.

More Info 

More info is in the excellent section in Call of Dragons, where you can see all your account information, like power info, battle statistics, combat buffs, resource info, and resource buffs.


The ranking has one more section that is excellent. When you click it, you’ll see all kingdom rankings for:


Legions is a section where you are able to see all your units, how much power they give you, how many wounded you have, and so on. It’s a great way to keep track of your troops and see what types of units you need to train more of.



In the settings, you will find a lot of different options, including:

  • General: Here you can change your graphic settings, volume, gem use, war frenzy notification, and so on. 
  • Notifications: There are a lot of notifications that you will get from the game. In the notifications section, you can adjust them how you want. 
  • Emoji: In the “Emoji” section, you can set a list of emojis that you want to use with your units. To get emojis, you have to complete in-game tasks and events or purchase bundles. 
  • Search lord-: A great way to search players or friends when you don’t know their city location so you can send them messages and add them to the message list. 
  • Support: By clicking on the support button, you will be directed to a chat window where you can contact customer support if you have any questions about the game or problems with your account. 
  • Account: This option is crucial. You will link your account to your email here so that you do not lose all of your progress.
  • Character Management: If you want to create an account on a different server, you are able to do so from this section.
  • Language: This is the section where you will change the game’s text language.
  • Community: When you click on it it will show you all Call of Dragons social media accounts. 
  • Redeem Gifts: This is a place where you will redeem all your Call of Dragons gift codes
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