Call Of Dragons is a new game and three is a lot of things that you have to upgrade, research, level, etc, if you want to progress faster and become a strong player. That is why we created this beginner guide where you will find all the crucial tips and tricks that you have to know and we outlined the most common mistakes that beginners make. So let’s start.
Second Builder
Second Builder is the most important thing that you have to get as a new player. With a second builder, you will be able to build 2 buildings at the same time which is crucial for your progression. You can get a second builder by spending 3000 gems that you will get quite easily at the start or you can purchase an in-game bundle that will give you a second builder.
Honor Levels
Honor Levels are the second most important thing that you have to increase in Call of Dragons. Your main goal is to get on Honor Level 8. You must get on Honor Level 8 as soon as possible because you will get a free legendary hero token, 2 hero epic tokens and most importantly you will get a second research queue. The values that you will get from Honor Level 8 are insane and they will drastically help you with your progression.
Upgrade City Hall
City Hall is the main building in Call of Dragons. You can not upgrade other buildings without upgrading the City Hall first. From upgrading City Hall your Legion Capacity will be increased and you will get more Legion Queue. You want to get City Hall on Level 22 as fast as possible because you will be able to use 5 legion Queue which means that you can farm more resources and send more marches to fight which is crucial for your progression. One more great thing is that when you upgrade it on level 16 you will get free tier 3 troops from a faction that you took at the start of the game.
Research all the time
In Call of Dragons, you will research technology in College Of Order. There are 2 sections, one is for farming and the other one is for your troops. Now as a beginner you have to have a good balance between military and farming technology. Once you unlock your tier 4 troops you can go and do all research in the farming section. Just make sure that you are researching constantly, do not allow the research queue to be empty. Also, make sure that you get honor level 8 where you will unlock the second research queue.
Farm Resources
Farming resources is important because you will use them for everything and you will need a lot of them at the start of the game when you are constantly training troops, upgrading, and researching. Make sure that you level up your gathering heroes, get a gathering talent tree build and equip them with gathering artifacts. Whenever you do not use heroes make sure that you send them gathering.
Farm Account
A farm account is extremely important if you want to progress faster and fight a lot so make sure that you create one immediately. With a farm account, you will be able to gather resources and send them to your main account. You will always need resources in Call of Dragons for researching and building but even later when you max out everything you’ll need it to fight other players. So make sure that you create a farm account as soon as possible.
Alliance is also a crucial part of the game and if you are not part of one you will lose so many benefits. Benefits are stats boost, reduces time in building and researching, free resources, alliance shop, etc. Also whenever alliance members purchase something from an in-game shop you will get a chest that will contain free items. That is why it is important to be active and try to join the best alliance on your server that is full of active players.
Hold Home Button
When you press the home button that is located in the bottom left part of the game you will be taken in and out of your city. But if you hold the home button 4 different options will pop up and they are resources, buildings, realm and region. When you are looking at a region or realm you can press and hold the home button again and you will be able to zoom in and out fast. This is an extremely beneficial feature so you can navigate and search around the map faster.
Do not Upgrade low-tier troops
If You are a new player you will need as many troops as you can get and you will always struggle with the number of troops. So there is no point in upgrading for example tier 1 to tier 3. Just train tier 3 troops normally. Once you unlock tier 4 troops and you have enough troops for all your matches then you can upgrade the lower tier to tier 4.
Gather Gems
If you are free to play player you must gather gems but in order to do that, you will have to unlock Gem Prospecting technology in Internal Affairs. Gems that you gather you should invest in Honor Points. Make sure that you have a farm account so you do not run out of resources.
Focus on One Legendary hero
In Call of Dragons, it is quite challenging to upgrade legendary heroes and it will take you so much time if you are free to play as a player. So it is best that you focus on one legendary hero and when you max it out you can start upgrading another one.
Do not level secondary hero
There is no point in leveling Heroes that you will use as secondary heroes. The reason is that the talent tree from the secondary hero does not work, only the talent tree from the primary hero works. So make sure that you only use experience books on primary heroes.
Do not fight other players at the beginning
If you are fighting other players at the beginning you will lose so many resources and speedups. This will drastically slow down your progression. Only help your alliance members to take objectives and destroy NPC.
There are a lot of things that you have to learn about Call of Dragons as a beginner. You will make mistakes but a lot of other players will also. Watch and read guides, talk to your alliance members and with time you will learn everything about the game and how things are done. Most important thing is that you are active and that you enjoy the game. So go out there and conquer the Call of Dragons world and do not forget to redeem all codes. We will update the beginner guide with more information as we progress through the game.